sperm trying to reach egg imitated by fruit

How to Boost Male Fertility and Increase Sperm Count?

Ejaculation and Fertility. Can you prevent male infertility by increasing your ejaculation volume? How to increase sperm count and boost fertility?

Source: How to Improve Male Fertility?

About 15% of couples attempting their first pregnancy meet with failure. Most authorities define these patients as primarily infertile if they have been unable to achieve a pregnancy after one year of unprotected intercourse.

Male Infertility

Conception normally is achieved within twelve months in 80-85% of couples who use no contraceptive measures, and persons presenting after this time should therefore be regarded as possibly infertile and should be evaluated. When the problem is identified to be with the man, it is referred to as male infertility. According to statistics, male infertility accounts for a third of reported infertility cases.

A man is diagnosed to have male infertility when there is a problem with his ejaculation or his ejaculation volume. Ejaculation is when semen is released through the penis during orgasm. When the man can’t properly release semen to get the woman pregnant, he can be suffering from: erectile dysfunctions, premature ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation (wherein the semen is pushed back into the bladder), or complications from surgery or radiation therapy.

Sperm Count

One of the most wide-spread and pressing needs amongst men is that of increasing sperm count. The reasons for such a claim are quite numerous. First of all, men want to enhance their fertility and the orgasm intensity.

If men want to increase sperm count, they need to take action. Only then will they achieve the desired result.

Source: 6 ways to improve male fertility

The outcomes are unbelievable and the effect on male well-being is really notable with it because in this way male power, potency and the amount of sperm cells are improved. But many men like the fact that orgasm becomes more intense. Official medical science also supports these products.

Sperm count and natural supplements

Over the past decade a number of researches have been conducted on male sexual health. Medical professionals recommend using dietary supplements to address the male sexual problems. If your intention is to increase the amount of sperm cells, there is no better way to do that than taking dietary supplements, which are made with this purpose in mind.

You may practice different techniques after all, but supplements are universally acknowledged as the simplest way to increase sperm count. Their effectiveness is proved by numerous evidences and fairly often their effect surpasses other methods results.

Source: Treatment of low sperm count

A great number of various products can be found on the market nowadays. The ingredients they include make them very efficient and able to meet your expectations. Along with improving sexual desire, they also enhance and increase amount of sperm cells. You’ll enjoy longer orgasms, increase amount of sperm cells, notice changes in your sperm structure, harder erection and overall sexual pleasure intensification. This progress is so evident and quick that you’ll be simply surprised.

Importance of male potency for men and women

The cases, when women don’t want to live with a man who cannot afford sexual pleasure to them, often take place in our lives. Safety is not enough; we also want our partner to match us sexually. Each woman will admit that one of her best desires is to be with someone who has a rock-hard erection and drives them crazy. Male Potency is a very distinctive aspect that every woman wants her partner to possess.

Therefore, men started studying this issue too buying the supplements contributing to sexual power. In addition to natural supplements, one can discover other ways as well to increase amount of sperm cells.

Reasons of Low Ejaculation Volume

A man’s sperm may also be “abnormal,” which is said to be malformed and has a short life span. Thus, the sperm couldn’t “swim” correctly. This is brought on by abnormal development or inflammation of the testicles and swollen veins in the scrotum. This condition heats the inside of the scrotum and may critically affect the sperm production.

A low sperm count (or no sperm at all) may be caused by severe mumps infection, hormonal disorder, hereditary factors, or infections. It can also be triggered by wearing tight or restrictive underwear, excessive use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs, and exposure to radiation or poisonous chemicals.

Male Infertility Treatment

You may be wondering if male infertility may be treated. Of course, it can be. In fact, more than 50 percent of male infertility cases can be remedied.

It is extremely important in the evaluation of infertility to consider the couple as a unit in evaluation and treatment and to proceed in a parallel investigative manner until a problem is uncovered. It has been shown that the longer a couple remains subfertile, the worse their chance for an effective cure. Many couples experience significant apprehension and anxiety after only a few months of failure to conceive.

Conventional Methods

Treatment by conventional methods may help the couple get pregnant through normal sexual intercourse.

There are medications, antibiotics, and hormones that a man can take to help in sperm production, get rid of infection, or aid in hormonal imbalance. Also, you can try wearing loose clothing like boxers or avoiding hot tubs, saunas, and long hot showers.

Source: 14 tips to boost fertility naturally

Artificial insemination and other methods

Other treatments are also available, though these may be invasive or too expensive. This includes in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, and use of sperm donor. In vitro fertilization involves the fertilization of the couple’s sperm and egg in a laboratory and placing the fertilized egg inside the female’s uterus.

Artificial insemination, on the other hand, involves the collection of sperm and manually placing it inside the fallopian tubes or the female uterus to facilitate conception. A donor sperm can instead be acquired if there is no sperm production at all or there are other functional problems with the man’s sperm.

If you don’t want to resort to 3rd party sperm donors, take a look at the supplements that work to enhance ejaculation, increase sperm count, and boost male fertility. They significantly increase the chances of conception by increasing ejaculation volume, improving erection and performance.

How to Increase Sperm Count and Boost Male Fertility?

You may get started with simple vitamins that support health and body in a difficult stressed life.

  • One more very simple way is just daily drinking a lot of water.
  • What is more physical exercises are never done in vain.
  • Food should also be a question in your everyday life. Fast food or junk food won’t help your body, choose delicious food instead.
  • It is advisable to stop smoking. However, if you feel you cannot do it, try to limit the number of cigarettes you smoke a day as smoking affects sperm production and male sexual desire.
  • Drinking should also be responsible. Don’t think that you must forget about alcohol, but it should be limited.
  • Try to have rest when you are tired and do not overwork otherwise you will be exhausted. You should determine your priorities.
  • And regular sex is an obligatory component. Take pleasure of good sex and the level of hormones will help you to be in good shape.

Normally, there are various methods to increase amount of sperm cells. But natural volume pills with all their advantages can surpass them all. It was checked by many researchers. It is for you to decide what the best is for you.

Source: Vitamins to increase sperm volume

Anyway, get in touch with the doctor before taking this or that supplement. Always remember that you say the last word and there is nothing frightening of taking up some medicine for increasing amount of sperm cells. Admit your desire to have the best sexual life and choose a method for yourself.

What Foods Make Sperm More Fertile?

When it comes to male fertility and increasing sperm count, paying attention to your diet can play a significant role. The food you consume can have a direct impact on the quality and quantity of your sperm. Including certain foods in your diet that are known to enhance fertility can contribute to overall reproductive health. Here are some foods that have been linked to making sperm more fertile:

  1. Oysters: Oysters are well-known as an aphrodisiac, but they also provide a rich source of zinc. Zinc is a mineral that is crucial for sperm production and quality. Consuming foods high in zinc, such as oysters, can potentially improve sperm count and motility.
  2. Dark Chocolate: Good news for all the chocolate lovers out there! Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, specifically flavonoids, which can help protect sperm from damage. Opt for dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa to reap the benefits.
  3. Leafy Green Vegetables: Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and broccoli are packed with essential nutrients such as folate, vitamin C, and antioxidants. These nutrients can help improve sperm quality and reduce the chances of sperm DNA damage.
  4. Walnuts: Walnuts are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to increased sperm count and motility. Additionally, walnuts are rich in antioxidants and provide important nutrients like selenium and vitamin E, which can improve overall sperm health.
  5. Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are excellent sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect sperm from oxidative damage, potentially improving sperm motility.
  6. Pomegranate: Pomegranate and its juice have been associated with enhanced sperm quality. Packed with antioxidants, pomegranate can help increase sperm concentration, motility, and reduce oxidative stress.
  7. Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are rich in antioxidants, zinc, and essential fatty acids. These nutrients have been linked to improved sperm quality, including increased sperm count and motility.

By making smart food choices and adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can potentially improve the quality of your sperm and boost overall fertility.

Source: Top foods you should include in your male fertility diet

Remember, while incorporating these fertility-boosting foods into your diet, it’s important to maintain an overall balanced and nutritious eating plan. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle factors like avoiding excessive alcohol and tobacco use are also vital for optimizing male fertility. Consider consulting with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist for personalized advice on dietary changes that can support your specific fertility goals.

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About the Author

Dr. Lucas B. Richie

Dr. Lucas B. Richie: Author of AllHealthBlogs.com network, as well as the other healthcare reviews projects and blogs. Published a number of books on nutrition and sexual health. Practicing sexual health therapist.

Article medically reviewed by:

Dr. Jerry K

Dr. Jerry K: an expert in family medicine, reproductive health, natural approach to sexual health, and overall well-being. Graduated with a PhD from Albany State University. 30 years of experience in family medicine, with a special interest in sexual health, sex life, and sexual enhancement products.