There are many reasons why a man may experience premature ejaculation. Biologically, men can reach climax much faster than women. They can do so in 2-3 minutes after penetration, in comparison with women’s 12-14 minutes. Likewise, there are also psychological factors that bring about early ejaculation. These include lack of experience, anxiety, fear of potential pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, etc.
Older men are also known to be able to control their ejaculation as compared with their younger counterparts. They credit it to their experience.
On the other hand, older men are known to experience issues with ejaculation volume, sperm count and lowered male fertility.
Is there any connection between male fertility and premature ejaculations? Is it possible that one problem causes or eliminates another?
Source: Fertility and premature ejaculation
Male infertility and premature ejaculation are the twin foes that men all over the world fear. Nearly every man has run into one or other of these problems at some point in his life and we all know how unpleasant they can get. Being in bed with an attractive woman and finding yourself unable to perform is a horrifying experience with lasting negative effects on self-confidence and self-esteem.
It only takes one such “accident” to make a man think about ways of making sure that it never happens again. And this is where we can help you find a premature ejaculation treatment.
Truth be told, most men experience premature ejaculation at least once in their lives.
Source: About premature ejaculations
While there may be some who are open to the idea of seeking an effective premature ejaculation treatment, there are many who insist that they do not have a problem in regard to their sexual life. No one can really say if these men are telling the truth or not because quite frankly, the sex act is a purely private matter between two consenting adults. Whether the man is in need of a good premature ejaculation treatment will depend largely on the latter’s acknowledgement and acceptance of the problem. But remember, if you admit you have a problem, you have started to treat it!
This is one of the most common questions from males. We all want that ejaculation that squirts out across the room instead of those small ejaculations that just trickle or dribble out. The good news is that you can improve the “shooting power” of your ejaculation with just a couple of minutes a day doing a simple exercise.
One way is to exercise your PC (pubococcygeus) muscle, which is the primary “sexual muscle” that forms part of the pelvis. The PC muscle is largely involved with sexual functions such as ejaculation and orgasm. With regular exercise, this muscle can provide firmer and larger erections, powerful ejaculations and more intense climaxes.
Sex therapist and author Anita Banker-Riskin said a man’s organ can basically be trained by utilizing the Kegel exercises as a premature ejaculation treatment.
All that it takes is for the man to make the effort of developing the pelvic muscle which she refers to as the pubococcygeus or PC muscle.
Source: Kegel exercises for men
This muscle, Riskin said, contracts involuntarily when a man ejaculates. However, if a man can intentionally contract the muscle, especially prior to orgasm, it can bring an impending ejaculation to a sudden stop.
If you ever started urinating and then squeezed to stop it in the middle of the process, then you have already used your PC muscle.
Source: The Pubococcygeal muscle
Having strong PC muscles means having longer lasting, strong, and shooting ejaculations. Therefore, it is in your best interest to strengthen your PC muscle through constant exercises. PC muscle exercises can be done just about anywhere since the only person that will know you are doing them is yourself.
By rapidly squeezing and relaxing your PC muscles during intercourse not only heighten your sexual responsiveness, but can increase your female partner’s stimulation. When a woman squeezes her PC muscle, many men say they feel like the vagina felt tighter. When a man squeezes his PC muscle, many women report feeling like they felt extra pressure on the top part of their vaginal walls (the most sensitive part), and some even claim that their g-spot gets stimulated.
How to go about exercising your PC muscles? Try clenching and releasing your PC muscle in ten-second periods. Perform three sets of this. Take a breather. Now, try the clench-and-release technique for five seconds. Perform ten sets of this. This time, try tightening the muscle for 30 seconds and relaxing for 30 seconds. Perform three sets of this.
Here are some PC muscles exercises you can use to strengthen your PC muscle:
Remember to repeat PC muscle every day for at least 2 months and you will notice you can increase ejaculation volume!
During intercourse, when the man begins to feel that he is about to reach orgasm, he immediately stops, then asks his partner to squeeze firmly the shaft or the end or tip of his male organ with her thumb and two fingers.
This should last for about ten to twenty seconds. The sexual activity will naturally stop, but only temporarily, for about thirty seconds. Afterwards, the act can re-start and the process repeated, for as often as desired or up until both partners reach the point when they would like to go all the way.
Source: 7 Ways to treat PE
If the technique proves to be successful, the man can learn to eventually withhold his ejaculation for a longer period of time. Ultimately, this form of premature ejaculation treatment will enable the man to control the ejaculation process without resorting to squeezing.
There is also an alternative approach nowadays taken by a number of men in dealing with their premature ejaculation and male fertility problems. This is the clinical type of approach. In many instances of premature ejaculation, the underlying cause is often of a psychological nature. A man’s emotional well-being may be imbalanced due to any number of psychological factors which includes depression, anxiety, guilt, repressed or suppressed feelings, etc. Talking to a psychologist could be a form of treatment for these types of male health condition.
These feelings may have deeply-embedded origins or foundations which can date all the way back to childhood and have ultimately found expression in a man’s sexual life. In such cases, the assistance of a clinical psychologist will be most helpful as he or she can pinpoint the exact cause of a man’s sexual problem and eventually recommend the appropriate treatment of premature ejaculations and low male fertility.
If this doesn’t help, try the herbal medications. When you combine the medication with the PC muscles exercises and psychological therapies, you begin to take control over ejaculation and learn how to improve both ejaculations and fertility.
Apart from special forms of exercises, there are other ways of dealing with the problem of premature ejaculation. The use of certain types of drugs, like antidepressant pills, have been known to yield positive results in helping a man prevent premature ejaculation. The same thing goes for medications that are used to relieve anxieties caused by stress such as benzodiazepines as well as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
The effectiveness of these medications in premature ejaculation treatment lies in the reality that anxiety as well as other nervous feelings have significant effects in the development of premature ejaculation. When these feelings are relieved and a man is relaxed and basically calm, he can expect to perform well, sexually speaking, meaning no premature male orgasm.
Source: Premature ejaculation treatment guide
Alcohol, especially when taken in little or moderate amounts, also play a role quite similar to that of drugs when addressing the issue of premature ejaculation. It helps in easing a man’s nerves and enables him to relax and take things easy. However, there is a growing tendency among medical experts not to recommend either drugs or alcohol as a form of premature ejaculation treatment because they tend to distract a man from becoming aware of his basic sexual problem, which he needs to address upfront instead of trying to hide behind the potency of medically prescribed drugs.
However, doctors now believe that the use of herbal pills can do wonders as an ejaculation treatment. Such pills are made of all-natural ingredients that guarantee safe and effective use. Plus, it does not give any negative side effects.
You can also “deceive” premature ejaculation on the psychological level. Let’s take a look at what causes PE. When the man can’t properly release ejaculate, he can be suffering from erectile problems (we have already discussed this before). This, of course, results in lowering his male fertility.
It can be enough to increase ejaculation – and you will know you have control over your ejaculation. When you simply increase ejaculation, you improve performance in bed, better erection and receive control over your ejaculation. That’s it!
If you are looking for a way to prolong your own orgasms and improve your fertility, then ejaculation boosters are the thing for you. What can be more important to a man’s confidence than knowing that he can be an amazingly good lover time and again. The powerful combination of minerals and herbal substances is the fastest and most effective way to increase ejaculation, impress your partner and get more pleasure out of sex than ever before.
All the men, all over the world, are willing to find ejaculation boosters and learn how to avoid and prevent ejaculation disorders.