For most adult men sex life turns into routine around the age of 30-35. Later on, the routine becomes worse and harder to handle. Work is at least somewhat boring or even stupid. The bar scene is also boring and one can hardly remember the last fun date. Drinking with the friends turns into a routine as well, despite the fact that all those involved would be glad to hide this fact from themselves and from each other.
Sex is also no longer as exciting as before, and, worst of all, a change of partners won’t help this time because the problem lies with you. Long hours spent at work sitting in the same chair, lack of physical activity and a chaotic daily diet are taking their toll on your sex life.
Your penis is no longer as quick to respond to the call to arms and the orgasm is not as lively anymore. The natural response in such cases is to wonder if this is just a passing time frame or something worse. Fortunately, most men going through this situation are in for nothing more than a temporary discomfort that should go away with a combination of relaxation to relieve stress and of working out to stimulate testosterone production.
What are the benefits of increased ejaculation for men?
For men, ejaculation is much more than just an orgasm. Yes, it produces a pleasurable sensation, but it also releases chemicals in the body that affect your mind, body, and all senses:
When you ejaculate, you release hormones that help regulate your emotions. Having an ejaculation once every week or every two weeks can keep you more in touch with yourself and your emotions.
Source: ScienceAlert
In fact, the more you ejaculate, the more intense your sex drive and orgasmic response becomes. In other words, the better you ejaculate, the better the experience in the bedroom you enjoy!
If you are having issues with ejaculation, learning how to increase ejaculate can help. Once you learn to ejaculate more, your entire sex life will be significantly improved.
But there is something else you can do to make this problem go away. Something that many men have tried before you and which helped them enjoy sex a lot more. Wouldn’t you feel good to know that your erection and orgasms last longer and that you can ejaculate more semen than ever before?
This is why you need male or sperm volume pills, the high quality, perfectly natural pills which can help you come like a porn star. You may say that ejaculating more sperm volume is not that important, but think about it for a minute.
Why increase ejaculation and improve quality of sperm? The intensity and duration of your orgasm depends on how much sperm you ejaculate!
Source: “How to Increase Sperm Volume” review
This means that the more sperm travels upward from the testicles, the longer will your orgasm be.
To get a sense of the vital role of a healthy, abundant sperm volume in male pleasure, let’s take a look at how male orgasm works.
First, semen collects in the ejaculatory ducts during sexual stimulation. Male orgasm happens at the peak of sexual pleasure, when the various muscle groups contract simultaneously: rhythmic contractions of the pubococcygeus muscle (pc muscle) occur along with contractions of the anal sphincter, rectum and perineum, and the ejaculatory ducts and muscles around the penis.
The contracting muscles are the key to delivering the load of semen. The first few contractions are intense and close together, occurring at about 0.8-second intervals. As orgasm continues, the contractions diminish in intensity and duration and occur at less frequent intervals.
The exact volume of sperm is determined by a number of factors, including heredity, diet, overall health, frequency of sexual activity and age. The content, however, is about the same for all men: the ejaculate contains sperm and a long list of components that read like a vitamin pill label: ascorbic acid (vitamin C), calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, choline, citric acid, creatine, fructose, glutathione, hyaluronidase, inositol, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, purine, pyrimidine, pyruvic acid, sodium, sorbitol, vitamin B12, and zinc.
Each of these ingredients, though, represents just a tiny amount — and the total measure of a typical “load” is somewhere between 1.5 ml and 5 ml. The majority of the ejaculate volume is fluid from the prostate and the seminal vesicles.
Source: HealthLine
The taste of semen varies greatly from one man to another, again affected by diet and overall physical health. The range goes from salty to sweet, may be bitter or mellow, and sometimes creates a very mild “numbing” effect to the lips and tongue of the taster. The taste can be deliberately changed, according to a number of online and physician’s sources.
Healthy ejaculate will appear either translucently whitish or grayish to opaque white. Men who’ve had a vasectomy will have lighter, more translucent semen, devoid of the typical 15 to 20 million sperm of a usual ejaculation. Though a variety of textures and appearances are within the healthy range, most people equate very white, dense and more voluminous ejaculate with a healthier and more potent male.
Although Christianity was traditionally against any public references to sex, other religions and peoples had different views. The best examples are Tantra and various pagan denominations. Among the lesser-known systems are the beliefs of certain tribes from Papua New Guinea and Africa.
The basic idea behind such beliefs is that when a man ejaculate, he excretes a fluid with magic properties that can be used to augment the natural powers of other people. Some pagan circles say that ejaculation releases the power of the male, which can be transferred to female priestesses through sex. Certain rituals include the coition between a priestess and two or more males in order to “harvest” their ejaculation fluid and increase her powers.
Tantra is an esoteric tradition rooted in the religions of India, a body of beliefs and practices that differ somewhat from sect to sect, although all the sects tend to adhere to the overarching belief that the material universe is the concrete manifestation of divine energy. Some Tantra rituals include sex, but the reputation of this sexual religion seems absurd to most people in Europe and America.
Source: WebMD
Ejaculation fluid as a magic was also a key component in many occult theories and practices in Europe and America. Occult figures like Aleister Crowley and Samuel Aun Weor spoke about the power of sex and its significance in a magic context. Likewise, sperm was thought to be a source of power and one of the fashions that set the occult world of fire last century was that men should never ejaculate in order to activate and increase their power.
Want to grasp ideas of ancient sex guides? The basic idea is ejaculation volume, so we recommend finding products that work to help you increase ejaculation volume.
These pills work by stimulating the production of various substances in your body in order to accomplish certain processes. The natural production of testosterone is boosted with the help of Zinc and Dong Chong Xia Cao, which results in an increase of both the quantity and quality of sperm. Other substances help regulate the blood flow whose healthy functioning is so important for longer and harder erections.
So, what can they do for you? They really increase sperm volume – and this really improves your performance and sex life. They can put a satisfied smile back on your face. Furthermore, they can help you become a better lover who pleases his lady every time and makes her come back for more.
These pills can help you get more pleasure out of your sex life. And, lastly, they promote the psychological well-being that comes with a happy and fulfilling relationship.
Source: Natural Pills for Sperm Volume
If you are looking for a boost in the sex drive and would like to increase ejaculation, you can look at the all-natural supplements.