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What Affects Ejaculation? Things To Do And To Avoid: Reveal Now!

When should a man be concerned about his volume and potency? What affects ejaculation volume and time? Find the things to do and to avoid!

Source: Ejaculation problems

Medical Problems that Affect Ejaculation

Sometimes a dramatic decrease in ejaculation volume may indicate blockage of one of the ejaculatory ducts. Duct obstruction is diagnosed by prostate ultrasound. Other possible causes of decreased volume include retrograde ejaculation or a long-term infection of the prostate (chronic prostatitis).

Decreased ejaculation volume may simply be a normal part of aging and may not necessarily result in decreased fertility.

Source: The effects of aging on semen parameters

Ejaculation testing analysis

If there is concern about the amount, appearance and texture of the ejaculate, it may be advisable to consider ejaculate testing by a qualified physician. The standard ejaculate analysis measures ejaculation volume and pH, microscopically analyses for debris and agglutination, assesses ejaculate concentration and morphology, counts ejaculate leukocytes and identifies immature germ cells.

Usually this is carried out after two to seven days of sexual abstinence, on an ejaculate sample collected at the doctor’s office. The physician will probably also wish to conduct tests to rule out urinary infection, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

What causes weak ejaculation in man?

Weak ejaculation in men can have various underlying causes, including:

  1. Age: As men age, their muscles and organs involved in ejaculation may weaken, leading to weaker ejaculations.
  2. Low testosterone levels: Testosterone is a male hormone that plays a crucial role in sperm production and ejaculation. Low testosterone levels can cause weaker ejaculations.
  3. Medications: Some medications such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, and blood pressure drugs can interfere with ejaculation, leading to weaker ejaculations.
  4. Nerve damage: Nerve damage due to injuries, surgeries, or medical conditions such as diabetes can affect the nerves that control ejaculation, leading to weaker ejaculations.
  5. Prostate problems: Conditions such as prostatitis, prostate cancer, and enlarged prostate gland can interfere with ejaculation, leading to weaker ejaculations.
  6. Lifestyle factors: Lifestyle factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, drug use, and poor diet can affect overall sexual health, leading to weaker ejaculations.

It’s important to note that weak ejaculation can also be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition, so it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional if you are experiencing this issue.

Treatment options for weak ejaculation

The treatment options for weak ejaculation depend on the underlying cause. In some cases, addressing the underlying cause can improve ejaculation. Here are some examples of treatments for the different causes of weak ejaculation:

  1. Age-related weakness: There is no cure for aging, but certain lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and reducing stress can help improve overall sexual health.
  2. Low testosterone levels: Testosterone boosting supplements can increase testosterone levels and improve ejaculation. This treatment can be found in many online stores and websites.
  3. Medications: In some cases, switching to a different medication or adjusting the dosage can help improve ejaculation.
  4. Nerve damage: Treatment for nerve damage may include medication, physical therapy, or surgery, depending on the severity of the damage.
  5. Prostate problems: Treatment for prostate problems will depend on the specific condition, but may include medication, lifestyle changes, or surgery.
  6. Lifestyle factors: Making lifestyle changes such as reducing alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, avoiding drugs, and improving diet and exercise can help improve ejaculation.

Things to Do to Increase Ejaculation

Lifestyle changes

The first thing you should know is that your chosen lifestyle may have certain effects on the attempt to improve your sex life. This means that you will have to take care of your circulatory system. If you are not exercising on a regular basis, then you should make some time to drop by the gym every other day.

Don’t start thinking that you have to exhaust yourself on the training machines. It’s nothing like that. What you need most is cardio training, like running on the treadmill. The basic idea is to get your cardiovascular system in shape and keep it fit for action. Sex is the equivalent of an intensive workout, which is why your heart and blood vessels must be up to the task.

More energy

Exercising is not only good for the heart, but will also replenish and boost your energy. As the body gets used to more effort and a higher demand on its resources, it produces more and more energy. In this manner, exercising will make you an energetic person and give you a positive outlook on life.

Effort also forces the body to release more endorphins into the bloodstream than usual. Endorphins are the substances that make you feel happy and satisfied after a good orgasm. They are the “feel good” chemicals that your body produces naturally.

Food plan

After every gym session your body will ask for food in order to replenish the energy lost through effort and also to heal itself. On the other hand, a highly satisfying sex life also requires that certain foods be made part of your daily meals. Fortunately, the list is long enough to leave plenty of room for experimentation and to avoid boredom.

Proper nutrition: vitamins and minerals

The first substance that must become a regular part of your diet is zinc. This trace mineral is instrumental in your overall well-being and for the proper functioning of your body, not to mention the production of testosterone and sperm.

Male fertility boosters are a great choice for increasing production of testosterone and improving sperm quality. They contain a significant quantity of zinc among its ingredients, but you should supplement it by eating oysters, beans, nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and whole grains.

Source: Treatment of male infertility

The second substance is Vitamin B6. This vitamin is tied to the libido for both men and women and the main features of B6 deficiency are depression, lower libido and insomnia. The best foods for B6 are breakfast cereals, baked potatoes, bananas, chicken, pork, trout, tuna and spinach.

Vitamin E is another substance linked to sex and reproduction. Pregnant women have as much as 150 percent more vitamin E than non-pregnant women. The best sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils, nuts, wheat germ and fish.

And last on the list is vitamin C. This amazing vitamin is one of the key substances in our bodies and is involved in the production of tissues. Studies have shown that testicles contain 10 to 50 times the quantity of vitamin C found in the blood. Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables.

Improve blood flow

The amazing ingredients, such as Arjuna, Taj and Safflower, promote blood flow and lead to an increase in libido. Erections depend on how much blood reaches the penis and can be trapped within the sponge-like tissues called Corpora Cavernosa. By promoting blood flow, pills may decrease the penis response time to sexual stimulation and help maximize the blood inflow.

Remove stress from your life

And after all that exercising and eating there’s nothing better than putting your feet up and relaxing. That’s right, the third thing you must do in order to maximize your sex life is to relax. Stress has a huge negative impact on your sex drive and is likely to spoil everything. Actually stress is one of the major gates by which many health issues could enter your life.

Things to Avoid to Increase Ejaculation

Now that we’ve spoken at length about the “dos”, let’s meet the “don’ts”. Simply put, the “don’ts” are what used to be called vices; bad habits that bring a host of negative effects in their wake. Curiosity, stress, depression and other such things act as gates by which vices enter and settle into your body and mind.

No drugs. Never!

First is the use of recreational drugs, none of which being particularly beneficial for sex. Sure, it’s nice to be high and have sex at the same time, but there is always a price to pay. Aside from the depression and loss of libido that inevitably follow the high period, most drugs has physical side effects that do not go well with a satisfying sex life.

Cocaine, for instance, increases blood pressure and heart rate and prolonged use of this drug leads to heart failure, stroke or cerebral hemorrhage.

Source: Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine

Cocaine users are seven times more likely to die of a heart attack than non-users. Ecstasy is known to cause a breakdown in skeletal muscles and irregular heartbeat. Heroin locks the user into his own consciousness, and sex becomes an unpleasant proposition.

Quit smoking

Smoking is not a good idea for sex. Nicotine clogs the arteries and has negative effect on the blood flow. Erections become smaller and smaller in time and the sex drive wanes. Smoking also damages the lungs and makes the user less likely to sustain the physical exertion demanded by sex. It interferes with the use of zinc by the body, which is plain bad for your sex life.

Limit alcohol

Another bad habit is drinking. Most people know that alcohol and sex don’t mix at all and that the result of alcohol binges is known as a “limp noodle”. Although a glass of a quality drink before sex has never hurt anybody, the idea of jumping into bed after downing a six-pack is bad. Alcohol also interferes with the production of testosterone.

Treat obesity

Eating to excess is yet another bad idea. Stress, depression and other psychological problems can lead to excess eating and obesity. It’s hardly necessary to say that obese people are less likely to find partners for sex. Aside from being unattractive, obese men cannot sustain the effort involved in sex.

Keep an eye on your diet. You wouldn’t want to spoil everything by eating food that your body doesn’t even need, nor use. Obesity risk factors are numerous, including life-threatening diseases.

Source: Risk factors of obesity

Video Guide on Increasing Ejaculation Volume


In many cases, the ejaculate analysis yields results that are technically within the “normal” range, yet men may still feel dissatisfied with the contracting power of orgasms, the volume and appearance of their ejaculate, and their fertility.

For them, and for men who simply wish to experience the added confidence and pleasure of higher ejaculation volume, there are excellent natural preparations which holistically addresses the problem and increase ejaculation volume without side effects.

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About the Author

Dr. Lucas B. Richie

Dr. Lucas B. Richie: Author of network, as well as the other healthcare reviews projects and blogs. Published a number of books on nutrition and sexual health. Practicing sexual health therapist.

Article medically reviewed by:

Dr. Jerry K

Dr. Jerry K: an expert in family medicine, reproductive health, natural approach to sexual health, and overall well-being. Graduated with a PhD from Albany State University. 30 years of experience in family medicine, with a special interest in sexual health, sex life, and sexual enhancement products.